The Radiant Collective, the legacy giving program of Christian Village Communities (CVC), was established to ensure that the work of the ministry will continue for generations to come. Since its inception, CVC has been blessed, through the divinely inspired generosity of our giving partners, to provide financial assistance to many retired Christian ministry leaders, residents, and staff who have had a demonstrated need. The CVC leadership desires to preserve the legacy of this God-honoring ministry and its programs, like the Compassionate Care program that provides financial assistance to qualifying residents who face financial hardships.
Members of The Radiant Collective may designate their gifts to a specific ministry of the Foundation or join with many others by giving to our endowment fund. Endowment gifts are conservatively invested and at the appropriate time, CVC may utilize the investment income that the endowment generates, preserving the principal investment as a permanent asset of the ministry.
If you have included Christian Village Communities in your estate plan, THANK YOU! Welcome to The Radiant Collective! Please contact our development team and let us recognize you and celebrate as we stand together by preserving a legacy of wisdom, virtue, and brilliant hope!